International online workshop on ISO 38200 encounters great interest


Weitere Infos:
Florian Snigula

Hauptverband der Deutschen Holzindustrie (HDH)
Flutgraben 2
53604 Bad Honnef

Tel. +49 (0) 22 24 - 93 77 0
Fax +49 (0) 22 24 - 93 77 77


2021-11-26_1 Introduction to ISO 38200

2021-11-26_2 Raw material procurement and sales as well as sustainability reporting based on ISO 38200

2021-11-26_3 More Transparency is the New Green

2021-11-26_4 ISO 38200 at furniture industry

5 Auditing of new ISO 38.200

2021-11-26-6-ISO-TC-287-ISO-38200 Survey results-Deinzer

Bad Honnef, 26.11.2021. After a first event in spring 2021 (more info), more than 100 representatives of companies from different countries and all parts of the wood industry have now participated in a new English-language online workshop on ISO 38200 "Supply chain of wood and wood-based products". The globally valid industry standard regulates the transfer of product information, e.g. on wood origin or legality, across international supply chains.


(View recording in a new tab)



In the joint online event of several wood industry associations, information was provided and discussed about the contents, procedures and opportunities of the standard. Representatives from the pulp and paper industry as well as the wood-based panel and furniture industry reported on their experiences in short presentations. There was also a presentation on auditing the new ISO 38200 CoC, which dealt with the effort required for implementation and synergies with other ISO standards. The aim of the event was to promote awareness and dissemination of this neutral standard, as well as to demonstrate to companies the opportunities this standard offers for corporate sustainability reporting.

All presentations of the event are available for download below.


The survey on the application and further development of ISO 38.200 will run until 20.12.2021. We would like to invite you to participate via the following link: Link to the online questionnaire



  1. Introduction to ISO 38200 Chain of Custody of wood and wood-based products (M. Kirschner, Prof. Dr. M. Köhl, M. Deinzer)
  2. Raw material procurement and sales as well as sustainability reporting based on ISO 38200 (D. Tusch)
  3. More Transparency is the New Green (W. Zwingmann)
  4. ISO 38200 at furniture industry (T. Braun)
  5. Auditing of new ISO 38200:2018: Effort for implementation and Synergies with other ISO Standards (P. Sattler)
  6. ISO 38200 – Results of the online survey and further development in ISO/TC 287 (M. Deinzer)


The seminar was a joint event of the following associations: AG Rohholz e.V., Hauptverband der Deutschen Holzindustrie e.V., Deutscher Holzwirtschaftsrat e.V., Bundesverband Holzpackmittel, Paletten, Exportverpackung e. V., Verband Deutscher Papierfabriken, Verband der Deutschen Holzwerkstoffindustrie e.V., Verband der Deutschen Möbelindustrie e.V.


Contact us:

Dr. Gregor Pfeifer

Environment and Technology Officer

Main Association of the German Wood Industry

Tel.: +49 2224 9377-29

E-Mail: gregor.pfeifer@holzindustrie.de

Web: www.holzindustrie.de


The German Timber Industry Association (HDH) represents the economic, political and technical interests of the timber industry with around 200,000 employees and a total turnover of approx. 42.2 billion euros. The spectrum covers the entire value chain along the material wood: from the sawmill industry, industrial wood processing and furniture industry to construction with wood as well as the wood packaging industry. All represented interests are united by their commitment to the natural and diverse material wood. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Weitere Infos:
Florian Snigula

Hauptverband der Deutschen Holzindustrie (HDH)
Flutgraben 2
53604 Bad Honnef

Tel. +49 (0) 22 24 - 93 77 0
Fax +49 (0) 22 24 - 93 77 77


2021-11-26_1 Introduction to ISO 38200

2021-11-26_2 Raw material procurement and sales as well as sustainability reporting based on ISO 38200

2021-11-26_3 More Transparency is the New Green

2021-11-26_4 ISO 38200 at furniture industry

5 Auditing of new ISO 38.200

2021-11-26-6-ISO-TC-287-ISO-38200 Survey results-Deinzer