
Weitere Infos:
Mark Rüther

HDH/VDM Verbände der Holz- und Möbelindustrie
Flutgraben 2
53604 Bad Honnef

Tel. +49 (0) 22 24 - 93 77 0
Fax +49 (0) 22 24 - 93 77 77



On Friday 17th April 2015, EFIC officially presented the Manifesto of the European Furniture Industry, containing the proposal and appeals of the EU furniture manufacturers to the EU Institutions.

The launch of EFIC Manifesto took place in the premises of the worldwide famous and design-trend furniture fair ‘Salone del Mobile’ in Milan, welcomed by members of its Board of Directors and in the presence of representatives of the European Parliament.

“The data confirms the importance and attractiveness of an event that showcases the very best of Italian and international furnishing: this year the fair gathered 310,840 visitors and the highest percentage of them are international”, said Salone del Mobile President, Mr. Roberto Snaidero in its welcoming speech. “This fact shows the significance of our products and a positive outlook for our common future. We have always been aware that most challenges we face are not only national, but shared by all our European companies. And, therefore, it is of the greatest importance to present today our joint needs and goals and that we strongly continue pursuing them together at the European level”.

EFIC Manifesto was presented by EFIC President, Mr. Markus Wiesner, who described the main priorities and call for actions listed in the EU Furniture Industries` Manifesto.

“We all know that in the past five years the European Union has been facing extremely hard conditions and great challenges: the economic crisis swamped Europe in a blaze of recession, extreme difficulties for companies and a dramatic loss of jobs. Still, this climate of emergency is not behind us and much further effort is needed”, stated Mr. M. Wiesner in concluding his presentation. “To this extent, our Manifesto is meant for us, EU industries, to remember which are our common strengths and our common challenges and to follow all united a way to promote them. But most of all our Manifesto is meant for you, representatives of the EU Institutions, to get a more concrete idea of which are the necessities and – at the same time – the potentialities of our sector”.

“The time to act is now – concluded EFIC President – “and EFIC is ready to be active in working in full collaboration with all MEPs and EU representatives and to engage with actions that correspond to our joint aspirations.”

MEPs Ms. Elisabetta Gardini (PPE), Mr. Massimiliano Salini (PPE) and Mr. Brando Benifei (S&D) took part to the presentation. “You should not forget that the European Parliament is on your side and we want to do our best to help our industries and promote their interests in Europe” said Ms. Elisabetta Gardini. “Initiatives like your Manifesto are more than welcome, because they help us in understanding your priorities and in translating them in concrete actions inside the European Institutions”, added Mr. Massimiliano Salini. “We represent different political groups in the European Parliament, but we are all united in supporting our manufacturing sectors and in helping Europe to growth”, concluded Mr. Brando Benifei.

The full text of EFIC Manifesto can be downloaded here.

Weitere Infos:
Mark Rüther

HDH/VDM Verbände der Holz- und Möbelindustrie
Flutgraben 2
53604 Bad Honnef

Tel. +49 (0) 22 24 - 93 77 0
Fax +49 (0) 22 24 - 93 77 77

