Consumer protection

The broad range of consumer protection tasks in the wood industry is shaped by European matters to a particularly high degree. Through the European umbrella associations, the HDH will influence new rules and regulations early on, from Brussels and Berlin. The complex regulations are translated into a form understandable to the woodworking industries and companies.

Here the HDH industry guidelines have proven to be a particularly effective instrument, for example, those published on the Chemicals Regulation REACH, the energy consumption labelling of lamps and lights or household ovens and extractor fans, on application of the EU Machinery Directive to furniture, the European Timber Regulation and the Holzhandels-Sicherungsgesetz (German law on illegally felled timber).


Georg Lange, Ansprechpartner Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschutz und Verbraucherschutz


  Head of engineering and standardisation