
Many companies in the plastics industry are members of the regional associations of HDH. For these companies HDH offers a wide range of services in cooperation with the registered association for the plastics-processing industry, Gesamtverband Kunststoffverarbeitende Industrie e. V. (GKV). GKV is the umbrella organization of the German plastics-processing industry. As such, it bundles and represents the joint interests of its supporting associations and acts as their mouthpiece vis-à-vis politics and the public.

This considerably extends the service portfolio of the HDH in the sphere of plastics. Topics such as a training initiative (which relates to everything associated with the training of process mechanics for the fields of plastics and rubber technology) or a “REACH Helpdesk” that provides assistance for all matters and problems relating to the topic of REACH conformity, as well as for plastic-specific questions on the code of conduct, are just a couple of examples taken from this extensive service catalogue. The organization of events providing information, as well as of network events, with GKV and its supporting associations round off these services in the sphere of plastics.

To the home page of our partner GKV: www.gkv.de.
