Upholstered furniture

Association of the German Upholstered Furniture Industry (Verband der Deutschen Polstermöbelindustrie e. V. - VdDP)

The Association of the German Upholstered Furniture Industry (Verband der Deutschen Polstermöbelindustrie e. V. - VdDP) is a trade association that operates nationally and in which the German upholstered furniture industry is organised with approx. 80 upholstered furniture manufacturers. For the member companies in North Rhine-Westphalia the Association of the German Upholstered Furniture Industry also functions as the so-called "Tarifträgerverband", i.e. it negotiates collective bargaining agreements on behalf of its members, and provides comprehensive labour and employment law support. Nationwide the Verband der Deutschen Polstermöbelindustrie e. V. is responsible for representing the specific interests of upholstered furniture manufacturers and among other things organises statistical surveys of the upholstered furniture industry.

More information at polstermoebel-vddp.de