
The associations of the kitchen furniture manufacturers, AMK and VdDK

The Modern Kitchen Association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Die Moderne Küche e.V. - AMK), Mannheim, is the trade association of the kitchen industry. Apart from kitchen furniture manufacturers, the member companies of the AMK also include manufacturers of household appliances, supplier firms of the kitchen and appliance industry, manufacturers of accessories, as well as trade cooperations and service companies. The Association of the German Kitchen Furniture Industry (Verband der Deutschen Küchenmöbelindustrie - VdDK) unites around 50 manufacturers of kitchen furniture throughout Germany, who hold top positions on the international markets.

The kitchen industry

The German kitchen industry, which includes manufacturers of kitchen furniture, electrical/built appliances, sinks and accessories, generates a total turnover of more than 11 billion euros annually. Of this, around 5 billion euros are accounted by the 50 German kitchen furniture manufacturers (with 50 or more employees). The local kitchen furniture industry occupies top positions in international markets; the export rate is just over 40 percent. Domestically too, there is great potential for kitchen suppliers with a stock of 15 million kitchens older than 15 years. Individually planned, high-quality kitchens are a sought-after commodity. Around 90 percent of all new buildings are planned with open kitchens.

More information at amk.de

More information at kuechenmoebelindustrie-e-v